May 7–8, 2024 | 9AM–4PM

Clarify Your Message So More Customers Engage

Create a clear message and 5-part marketing plan for your business at the StoryBrand Marketing Livestream

Develop clear & concise
brand messaging

Live virtual marketing
coaching (from me)

Develop a marketing
plan that works!

StoryBrand Marketing Workshop

Your marketing should invite customers into a relationship with you.

  • Have you invested in marketing that isn’t getting a return?
  • Are you guessing at what your message should be?
  • Are you overwhelmed at how to follow up with leads?
  • Does your team lack a unified message?
  • Is your marketing muddy?
  • Do you often stare at a blank page wondering what to write?
  • Are you spending too much time and money creating marketing?
A StoryBrand Marketing Workshop is just what you need!

Win more business with a clear message.

Creating marketing can feel overwhelming, but businesses that clarify their message and build a sales funnel are the ones that thrive in the marketplace. At the StoryBrand Marketing Workshop Livestream, you’ll get a clear message that connects with customers.

A clear message allows you to create…

A message that unites your team and connects with customers

An elevator pitch you can use in meetings, at parties or on sales calls

A wireframe for a new website that will get you more business

A lead generator to collect emails and onboard customers

An email sales sequence to close the deal and increase sales

And in addition to a clear message you will get…

A plan and resources you can immediately implement

A compelling story customers want to be part of

A simple, repeatable framework

Action items that bring big returns

Confidence in your marketing funnel

Get clear on your message and grow your business.

Step 1: Register

Sign up for the StoryBrand LiveStream Workshop happening on May 7-8, 2024

Step 2: Clarify Your Message

Clarify your message and create a 5-part marketing plan that actually works

Step 3: Get a Plan That Works

Finally feel confident about your message, website, emails and marketing plan

Meet Your StoryBrand Workshop Guide

Hello, I’m Christine, founder of junebird creative and a Certified StoryBrand Guide. Want to know what breaks my heart? Watching good companies throw away marketing dollars on well-intentioned marketing before spending the time to develop their brand identity.

I help small and start-up businesses develop a clear understanding of who they are so they can effectively connect with their customers. When you’re intentional about the content you put into the world, you’ll be proud of your brand. And when you’re proud of your brand, your business will thrive.

Ready to clarify your marketing and build a brand you’re proud of?

Christine Hehre Tierney | StoryBrand Certified Guide & Business Made Simple Coach