business of life / life of business

The Wrong Metrics
Women Yodeling with Yodeling Meter. DepositPhotos ID 12289499.

The Wrong Metrics

Whether you rebel against it or not, society has conditioned us to measure success against a rigid set of metrics. Case in point – I had my second baby 18 months ago and here’s what I thought success looked like: Exclusively breastfeed for six months (but ideally two years). Focus on rest during (an eight-week)…

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2560 1973 junebird creative
New year, same week.
one hump camel wearing a party hat

New year, same week.

The concept of new beginnings on January 1st has always seemed ironic to me. The reason being that, most of the time, last year and this year fall within the same week. And if new year, same week isn’t bad enough, this year we were all supposed to wake up and make life-altering changes on…a…

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Lyrical Lessons from 1997

Lyrical Lessons from 1997

Last weekend I found myself in the car going to pick up a grocery order - alone. Parents, IYKYK. I’d planned to maximize those 27 minutes by catching up on a podcast at 1.75x. But those plans were hijacked as soon as I turned on the car and found myself two versus into “Adia” with…

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Threads (no, not the social platform)
Threads (no, not the social platform)

Threads (no, not the social platform)

Know what I hate? An asterisk without a corresponding annotation. It's pretty much the worst kind of story loop, especially when there are a million other topics jockeying for position in my brain. Angst ensues. Indignation for the inconvenience of wonder. How could someone be so careless! I have things to do, I don't have…

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When what used to work…doesn’t anymore.
unconventional boy - sometimes change requires getting a little unconventional

When what used to work…doesn’t anymore.

There’s nothing quite like thinking you’re winning at [parenting. marketing. running your biz.] only to realize you’ve gotten comfortable with the status quo and conflated “how it is now” with “how it will be forever.”

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